You, my comrades, felt sure that you were dying for the noblest of causes so that by your sacrifice your children might live free and happy. If your hopes and expectations have not been fully borne out we must, nevertheless, never say “What good were all these sufferings?” For you at least did all that was humanly possible. More, you died to ensure the future of France.
Good-bye, then, my… friends, my comrades! If I am still here it is thanks only to the sacrifice of so many of you- you who suffered and were tortured and finally died without revealing a name or even an address. In my thoughts and in my heart you will always be standing beside me- until the day I meet you again.
-Jacques Weil
What happened to Sonia’s brother Enoch?
It was up to Elizabeth Nicholas, the author of Death Be Not Proud to let Sonia’s mother and brother Serge know of her fate. In turn, they told her what happened the day Sonia was arrested: how, after an hour of waiting for Sonia, to no avail, Madame Olschanezky could only assume the worst. She quickly located Enoch and warned him not to go to work that night. But Enoch had left some important papers at the club that he needed to secure. He promised he’d come home straight after, but when he arrived at work, his boss informed him that someone had come around looking for him and planned to call again a little later in the evening. Enoch hoped the person might have had some information on Sonia, so he stayed at work a little longer. He never came home. Records show he’d been arrested and then moved to Auschwitz on a convoy with conditions so bad that—out of the 1,500 people that were transported—only seventy-five arrived alive at the concentration camp.
Did Dericourt really cause the downfall of Prosper? (coming soon!)